Coming back to the old thing and I feel not going to college
Is labor day, a holiday and I dont care if I miss college, spent a lot of money and time to go 2 SJ.
But since the last time I wrote it seems like three weeks. The class was great and hoping to get great grades this semester (Just 3 MORE semesters to graduate) I feel pumped. I feel like I gonna make it this time, just see.
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011
Coming back
I finish writing the list of episode to start to write my story again, sometimes you need to get out of maye distraction to come close to His presence and when you have been close enough, you see the things different. If I want to be secure and walk firm I must to stay away from bond with the people, if i keep doing that I got enough time to do a lot of things but do the things right because there's time for everything. Just enjoying my las 2 weeks before studying again but i got time this semester. Finally...
martes, 21 de junio de 2011
Pasando 3 años cronologicamente hablando desde que sali a la verdaera batalla...
No es una guerra, ni entre al army. Tampoco me interesa aunque no era hasta que entre en un problema serio al abrir mi corazon a lo que se supone que no era , por que todavia no era el tiempo. Desde que me dieron el diploma ahi empezo la batalla. Largos meses y comenzaron a cambiar las cosas luego de exodo, ese exodo en la que DIOS me libro del mundo hardcore y de las garras de un instrumento para derribarme. Con depresion, angustia y amargura aun no destruida.
Buscaba algo para remediarlo nos toco la mala en la iglesia donde crecimos, se convirtio en un balde de gallinas usando su lengua para el mal y no para el bien, todo por un proposito, y poco a poco Dios nos saco de ahi. Aun nos falta un hogar algun ricon para escondernos de Tu presencia Ninguno de nosotros nos queremos apartar auqneu nos demostramos la necesidadde formas diferentes. No nos dejaba trabajar, lo que buscaba no funcionaba sino que termine hiriendolo y cerre la comunicacion, en fin nos hacia falta Su presencia. Por eso decidimos visistar la iglesia El Shaddai. Ahi Dios nos planto nuestro nuevo hogar.
Ahi fue donde comence a vencer poco a poco , lo que hace 16 años que aprendi de lo que me enseñaron lo puse en practica en 2 años. Cual es el secreto? OBEDIENCIA Por que? Por que es la unica forma de que obtengas bendicion y no desviarte mas. Aunque te sepa algo raro Obedece y se te pasa. Por eso me ven con falda, por eso no quise pintarme mas, por eso deje los soundtracks , me hice menos gamer, deje el hardcore y soy lo que me ve ahora. Si no me entienden fine soy agente de cambio, parte del remantente que no ha doblado rodillas a los baales que estan en este mundo. Con dificultades y situaciones sigo hacia adelante. Y eso lo que me mantiene fuerte: La obediencia y siempre darle la gloria a Nuestro Jefe.
Ahora parte de Shaddai la iglesia mas alegre de Vega Alta, parte de AJAIC La juventud mas alegre de PR estoy orgullosa y contenta de llegar a lo que es ahora mi hogar pero somos pelegrinos, no pertenecemos a este mundo. Pronto sonara la trompeta y seremos arrebatados para reunirnos en nuestro verdadero hogar junto a Dios Nuestro Padre Celestial. En estos 3 años he aprendido tantas cosas aunque no sea tan expresiva pero Dios lo sabe todo, aprendi que Dios trabaja en ti por un propositos, cumplir con tu 50% auque pase las situaciones dejalas en sus maos que como quiera sales ganando.
Juventud sigue peleando tu batalla y deja tus cargas en El. Si lo lees y no me crees Dale un chance que por medio de ese chance no lo cambies por nada. Acuerdate todo esto se va hay dos caminos, tu escoges ...pero yo prefiero la VIDA ETERNA CON CRISTO.
----------Rose Mary "Gospel" Ramos Sierra
Buscaba algo para remediarlo nos toco la mala en la iglesia donde crecimos, se convirtio en un balde de gallinas usando su lengua para el mal y no para el bien, todo por un proposito, y poco a poco Dios nos saco de ahi. Aun nos falta un hogar algun ricon para escondernos de Tu presencia Ninguno de nosotros nos queremos apartar auqneu nos demostramos la necesidadde formas diferentes. No nos dejaba trabajar, lo que buscaba no funcionaba sino que termine hiriendolo y cerre la comunicacion, en fin nos hacia falta Su presencia. Por eso decidimos visistar la iglesia El Shaddai. Ahi Dios nos planto nuestro nuevo hogar.
Ahi fue donde comence a vencer poco a poco , lo que hace 16 años que aprendi de lo que me enseñaron lo puse en practica en 2 años. Cual es el secreto? OBEDIENCIA Por que? Por que es la unica forma de que obtengas bendicion y no desviarte mas. Aunque te sepa algo raro Obedece y se te pasa. Por eso me ven con falda, por eso no quise pintarme mas, por eso deje los soundtracks , me hice menos gamer, deje el hardcore y soy lo que me ve ahora. Si no me entienden fine soy agente de cambio, parte del remantente que no ha doblado rodillas a los baales que estan en este mundo. Con dificultades y situaciones sigo hacia adelante. Y eso lo que me mantiene fuerte: La obediencia y siempre darle la gloria a Nuestro Jefe.
Ahora parte de Shaddai la iglesia mas alegre de Vega Alta, parte de AJAIC La juventud mas alegre de PR estoy orgullosa y contenta de llegar a lo que es ahora mi hogar pero somos pelegrinos, no pertenecemos a este mundo. Pronto sonara la trompeta y seremos arrebatados para reunirnos en nuestro verdadero hogar junto a Dios Nuestro Padre Celestial. En estos 3 años he aprendido tantas cosas aunque no sea tan expresiva pero Dios lo sabe todo, aprendi que Dios trabaja en ti por un propositos, cumplir con tu 50% auque pase las situaciones dejalas en sus maos que como quiera sales ganando.
Juventud sigue peleando tu batalla y deja tus cargas en El. Si lo lees y no me crees Dale un chance que por medio de ese chance no lo cambies por nada. Acuerdate todo esto se va hay dos caminos, tu escoges ...pero yo prefiero la VIDA ETERNA CON CRISTO.
----------Rose Mary "Gospel" Ramos Sierra
Este día en la cual la mayoría de las personas lo dedica solamente a los padres y el resto del año probablemente no los procuran. Para otros podría ser un día en la que recuerda solo algo de ellos pero tampoco los procuran; también un día difícil por que pensamos en una parte del trato paternal y para la mayoría de la gente se le hace difícil tanto en la dedicación como en la variedad de cosas materiales para regalar.
Pero que bueno, hasta le doy gracias y darle la gloria a Dios por los padres que sacan las primicias de la mañana a glorificar al Todopoderoso en su Santo Templo, darle gracias por que El es Nuestro Padre Celestial y mostrar su ejemplo para aplicarlo en las familias.
Un Padre en la que pone todo en las manos de Dios, se deja capacitar por El para que sea un modelo para los hijos. Ser trabajador para que nosotros en nuestra generación y la futura sea Trabajadora, Amar y corregir para que tengamos una Actitud Restad y Humilde.
Respetar para formar nuestro respeto hacia los demás. Esforzarse, suplir, guiar… que mas palabras le describiremos, no tan solo los Padres ESFORZADOS VARONES GUERREROS que dicen presente sino a su capacitador PADRE POR EXCELENCIA que es Nuestro DIOS. 19 de junio no es un 19 de junio cualquiera, este día no es para que lo dediquemos solamente ese día a ellos y el resto nada. Es un día para compartir porque TODOS LOS DIAS SON DÍA DE LOS PADRES.
Porque puede haber otros que quieran anhela retroceder el tiempo para poder aunque sea una vez mas decir “Te Amo Papá”. Los que tienes su Papá vivo sea agradecido Perdona, Ama, exprésale cuanto lo quiere de verdad, eso vale mas que un regalo material.
Y si estos Hombres han llegado hasta aquí dando lo mejor de si para sacar su familia hacia adelante, es porque Dios va por delante dándoles las fuerzas y peleando por sus batallas. VARONES EFORZADOS SIGAN HACIA ADELANTE.
Varón esforzado como mi Papá. A su corta edad Dios lo puso a cargo de mí (y también mi hermana) Aunque dejo todo, siendo joven dio su corazón a Dios y lo capacito, lo fortaleció para sacarnos hacia delante. No se rinde de por nada no se cansa hasta que cumpla con sus pagos compromisos. Siempre se esfuerza para darnos su ejemplo. Es talentoso, preciso, fajón pero diligente. Aunque se enferme el sigue batallando, que mas puedo decir. Pero lo más que llama la atención es que se fue a otro nivel en los caminos de Señor.
Lo que paso años atrás es par capacitar mas, comprender mas y obedecer para llegar a donde estas ahora. Y este tiempo hasta ahora Nunca nos a faltado nada. Con roces porque tenemos el mismo carácter pero dura poco y seguimos como si nada. Aunque somos los más callados para expresar nuestras acciones refleja más.
Te quiero decir que te quiero y te amo no un “Poquito” sino un Montón. Gracias por tus concejos, tus exhortaciones, tu sensibilidad por darme la mano en todos los pasos de la vida. Y ELBENEZER hasta aquí nos ayudo y nos ayudara Jehová en todos nuestros pasos.
Padres sigan hacia adelante, no se dejen vencer y felicidades
Que ha sucedido en el verano:
55 dias de vacaciones y queda 2 meses y medio. Entre actividades, instituto, convencion y trabajo lo que hice fue un aterrizaje. A punto de irme a iglesia he estado escribiendo en una libreta en la que pronto se acabara, cuando tenga otra seria mejor todavia escribiendo mis pensamientos excepto mi historia. Estare haciendo conexiones para que otras personas lo lean desde las paginas sociales y descubrir mi lado como escritora en proceso...
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
Only less pages (on my draft book)
With my hand in pain
and my spirit ashame
I just want to dissapear
to don't do sin anymore
I'm so guilty
than I don't want to see
those same people
if I only you appear.
God make the trumpet sound
make that trumpet be heard
I just want to be saved
Thoughts II
Dear Ink, Pen, Paper and other surface:
Those days are impactant and I still impressed. I'm not a coward but only God knows I have my fights, my anxiety, my obstacles to fight and maintain because I don't belong to this world.
The Earth isn't my home
my home is in the heaven...Sometimes I want to keep fighting, feeling inspired, writing. And show my thoughts to the world. Just the true.
Those days are impactant and I still impressed. I'm not a coward but only God knows I have my fights, my anxiety, my obstacles to fight and maintain because I don't belong to this world.
The Earth isn't my home
my home is in the heaven...Sometimes I want to keep fighting, feeling inspired, writing. And show my thoughts to the world. Just the true.
Long time than no seeing each you, what you doing all along? Long time, sure is long time.
Because I was missing you.
Because you vcaught my attetion
And it really catching.
I want to speak to you one more time, and became friends.
We are different but I know you will become a part of His family.
That day is normal but great to meet someone new. Apart of status, poetry and pictures.
Apart of quotes, desactivaction and elses.
Making friend by just a drawing
A drawing that connects to a different knid of people.
But still dont belong here...
I hope you get well in your next mission, still understand why you leave?
Another one complaining about our island?
Or is your past? Well is clear
you don't have nothing to do left.
You can chase more dreams
also you have a great talent but I cant understand but is your decision.
But you have my support always
as your friend.
Although the less time
we still friends right?
Im crazy
I talking alone
hope he remembers
hope...just hope so.
Because I was missing you.
Because you vcaught my attetion
And it really catching.
I want to speak to you one more time, and became friends.
We are different but I know you will become a part of His family.
That day is normal but great to meet someone new. Apart of status, poetry and pictures.
Apart of quotes, desactivaction and elses.
Making friend by just a drawing
A drawing that connects to a different knid of people.
But still dont belong here...
I hope you get well in your next mission, still understand why you leave?
Another one complaining about our island?
Or is your past? Well is clear
you don't have nothing to do left.
You can chase more dreams
also you have a great talent but I cant understand but is your decision.
But you have my support always
as your friend.
Although the less time
we still friends right?
Im crazy
I talking alone
hope he remembers
hope...just hope so.
I want to write
to do hairpins
keychains. bracelets
Hair accesories
My own clothes
Things to sell
And work in summer
to earn my own money.
This summer I be productive
This summer no distractions
This summer I will drive
And soon I be complete
to shame everyone
to do hairpins
keychains. bracelets
Hair accesories
My own clothes
Things to sell
And work in summer
to earn my own money.
This summer I be productive
This summer no distractions
This summer I will drive
And soon I be complete
to shame everyone
Desires, Desahogo
Ink and paper
Always writing like this, is away than
is inspired by someones and I figurate out that I got potential
I always want to make my own manga series
I always want to be punk rocker fashion
I always want some games
but I cant have
The latest days was hell in the minimum potence.
The frustration, the pressure and my thoughts fighting with me.
After all I was alone almost 2 years
Is good...but I feel nostalgic.
....The mayority of the time I keep writing wishing to write more without distractions in summer. To do a lot of things to be me again.
Always writing like this, is away than
is inspired by someones and I figurate out that I got potential
I always want to make my own manga series
I always want to be punk rocker fashion
I always want some games
but I cant have
The latest days was hell in the minimum potence.
The frustration, the pressure and my thoughts fighting with me.
After all I was alone almost 2 years
Is good...but I feel nostalgic.
....The mayority of the time I keep writing wishing to write more without distractions in summer. To do a lot of things to be me again.
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011
Un-pumped and Repellant
So un-pumped by the ignorance
A advice that is more than a scold.
It looks more a scold than a advice and unfortunelly I am a human kind who is not like the normal humans.
A human than never understand people
who don't listen
who's doesn't get ot
who's always act by instint
who's always be different
and never gets the logic
never get right
Im the only abnormal
I never be normal
I gonna fail
Thats my destiny.
Hesitating about my future
Frustrated everyday
Frustrated about me
I hate you rose
i really hate you because you so dumb.
Because of your dumbness you ruin everything.
You have the fault
You take the responsibility.
Now the nightmare begin to see if I survive next week
Surviving with a skirt and hiding in a jacket.
Look I don't care about maturity
I don't care about that
I be myself
A advice that is more than a scold.
It looks more a scold than a advice and unfortunelly I am a human kind who is not like the normal humans.
A human than never understand people
who don't listen
who's doesn't get ot
who's always act by instint
who's always be different
and never gets the logic
never get right
Im the only abnormal
I never be normal
I gonna fail
Thats my destiny.
Hesitating about my future
Frustrated everyday
Frustrated about me
I hate you rose
i really hate you because you so dumb.
Because of your dumbness you ruin everything.
You have the fault
You take the responsibility.
Now the nightmare begin to see if I survive next week
Surviving with a skirt and hiding in a jacket.
Look I don't care about maturity
I don't care about that
I be myself
Tips red, citrus, blonde, white, whitefuschia, purple, blue, black, red tips on black, burned pointed , green, sea weed, turquoise and soon Nat:
I am someone uh...random
I can be everything
everyone loves me the way I am
I can look at someone and because of me that person follows me.
Is not my fault IO can heal the boredom.
My smile contagious everyone.
The form of dress the hair I look.
Many drawing such photos.
to follow a dream far away of where I live,
To make people smile
thanks to my art.
I am someone uh...random
I can be everything
everyone loves me the way I am
I can look at someone and because of me that person follows me.
Is not my fault IO can heal the boredom.
My smile contagious everyone.
The form of dress the hair I look.
Many drawing such photos.
to follow a dream far away of where I live,
To make people smile
thanks to my art.
People know than my expression means: serious.
I am deep so people don't follow me too much
Since I get sick to a mood.
I follow this and no one cant stop me.
One color everyday.
My silence and my own intellect
but just is a serious personality
and my weapon for some brats.
But fragrance for some bites
I am in this group with my mood that I consider dark and cool.
I am deep so people don't follow me too much
Since I get sick to a mood.
I follow this and no one cant stop me.
One color everyday.
My silence and my own intellect
but just is a serious personality
and my weapon for some brats.
But fragrance for some bites
I am in this group with my mood that I consider dark and cool.
Ed...why in the dark when God has mercy of you...
Like this as a kid
Is the same as I lived.
I was a mess for my parents
Even the teachers cant control me.
The police always stop my walking
even to see my gal using my skate.
High and Low my feet stomps
over every cement or asphalt road.
I can keep walking like this
more lighter than my chains
but on my own way I do..
When I got time I follow you.
Like this as a kid
Is the same as I lived.
I was a mess for my parents
Even the teachers cant control me.
The police always stop my walking
even to see my gal using my skate.
High and Low my feet stomps
over every cement or asphalt road.
I can keep walking like this
more lighter than my chains
but on my own way I do..
When I got time I follow you.
To Louis:
...........Just draw
.........just listen
........I can keep this
It just my calm mood and my shyness as my refuge
I I know you more
my art and my body
can speak more...than my own words......
...........Just draw
.........just listen
........I can keep this
It just my calm mood and my shyness as my refuge
I I know you more
my art and my body
can speak more...than my own words......
Jump here , jump there
Making jokes, wasting my tongue.
I feel hyperactive I cant control it.
But is my own self, cant change it even charge it.
I can give this contagious thing to everyone and even the static person can easily take it.
And I dont care of the change of mood, Im still hyperactive as myself do.
Making jokes, wasting my tongue.
I feel hyperactive I cant control it.
But is my own self, cant change it even charge it.
I can give this contagious thing to everyone and even the static person can easily take it.
And I dont care of the change of mood, Im still hyperactive as myself do.
Once upon a time I have a difficult journey
and a hard origin.
But I have a dream
To turn my stories real and my fantasies into originals to the eye.
May I calm and serious?
May I recite the reality?
My story keep going and going
as I live there's no end.
and a hard origin.
But I have a dream
To turn my stories real and my fantasies into originals to the eye.
May I calm and serious?
May I recite the reality?
My story keep going and going
as I live there's no end.
Book and history call me.
Legends and myths summon me
Rise by the worlds of my elders.
May I silent but my mind is full of danger.
As the pass of the time I wanna learn
Searching for masterpieces than others made.
As I reach to where I am, Im bright.
I baptize myself as "The Wise".
My origin is dark and I know about it
I already know Im not saint.
But if you teach me to save my soul.
I would learn, I follow it.
I would learn and I would spread and conduct
them to my Savior.
Legends and myths summon me
Rise by the worlds of my elders.
May I silent but my mind is full of danger.
As the pass of the time I wanna learn
Searching for masterpieces than others made.
As I reach to where I am, Im bright.
I baptize myself as "The Wise".
My origin is dark and I know about it
I already know Im not saint.
But if you teach me to save my soul.
I would learn, I follow it.
I would learn and I would spread and conduct
them to my Savior.
As myself
is only inside
The origin is unknown to you
but as for me is the same.
May I not speak to you often.
But I use my words
As I write as I recite
Strange things happen.
Until I decide to use it for good. To remark when I done
Follow my path
to save my soul.
is only inside
The origin is unknown to you
but as for me is the same.
May I not speak to you often.
But I use my words
As I write as I recite
Strange things happen.
Until I decide to use it for good. To remark when I done
Follow my path
to save my soul.
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
Long time isnt it
Japanese moment again, lot of tumblr and stick to my classes soon i leave the college for a while and dedicate to producing while i will calm down my frustration...let see how it works
no talking to much no writitng either cuz i leaving
Japanese moment again, lot of tumblr and stick to my classes soon i leave the college for a while and dedicate to producing while i will calm down my frustration...let see how it works
no talking to much no writitng either cuz i leaving
lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011
Meeting Argent 2
I feel gray.
This inside me is killing me
I dont know what is inside
Just thoughts and thoughs
I cant take it anymore
I need your hug and your presence
Just see you once for real
I feel gray.
This inside me is killing me
I dont know what is inside
Just thoughts and thoughs
I cant take it anymore
I need your hug and your presence
Just see you once for real
lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011
Metting Argent 1
Those days are awesome but those days are hard too
You from myimagination but I know you exist and I know you are for me
Im still waiting for meeting
And I know you hear me.
Someetimes I cant take it anymore waiting just dying to see you but only lies in my drawings and i really really longing for that, than i must to hide , hide it from you.
The thing is Im hurt, I received bad experiences but I want another chance to stay with the correct companion, to experience that moment again, Just a heal couple.
I know
WE must to talk more so I can name you and love you as I do in my imagination
Those days are awesome but those days are hard too
You from myimagination but I know you exist and I know you are for me
Im still waiting for meeting
And I know you hear me.
Someetimes I cant take it anymore waiting just dying to see you but only lies in my drawings and i really really longing for that, than i must to hide , hide it from you.
The thing is Im hurt, I received bad experiences but I want another chance to stay with the correct companion, to experience that moment again, Just a heal couple.
I know
WE must to talk more so I can name you and love you as I do in my imagination
jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011
viernes, 21 de enero de 2011
De una situacion injusta se aprende// Of a unfare situation we learned
A mi padre el siempre quizo ser artista, lo es pero bajo su propio ritmo. Dejó su sueño por llenar el mio y 19 años despues pudo hacerlo, pero le tocó la vida dificil de empezar a trabajar bajo un mundo injusto. Cuando estaba terminando la superior lo despidieron de su trabajo agotador, hoy dia sigue buscando uno por llenar nuestro sueño, pero es injusto que la gente sale con niñerias en no darle trabajo a gente que quiere trabajar solo por que se sienten intimidados a la hora de la entrevista. Lo mismo a subestimar a mi madre o rechazarme a mi solo por mis creencias.
Doy gracias a Dios por tan solo darnos el sosten, por suplirnos, por ser nuestro Jehova Jireh. A aprender de las situaciones dificiles nos hacen fuertes, de esas situaciones pueden salir soluciones a nuestros problemas, hasta poder unir mas a la familia. Hoy en dia se esta enfriando corazones, la tradiccion desaparece bajos las cadenas technologicas solamente de las situaciones injustas se aprende solamente para cambiar de lo monótono a lo extraordinario.
Once my dad likes to be a artist, he is right now but on his own rhytim. He leaves is dream to fullfill mine and 19 years later he made it, but he came to a dificult life of start over over a unfare world. When I almost finishing my senior year he was fired of his hard work, today he still looking to still fullfilling our dream, but is unfare than the people came acting like babies for no giving job to the people who really want to work just because they just feeling menaced by them whrn they interview them, or under estimate my mom or I was left behind because of my religious views.
I gives thanks to God to sustain us, to provide us, just to be the Lord Will Provide. When you learn from hard situations you can become stronger, make solutions or stay more time together sharing with your family. Today hearts are frozen, the tradition disappears by the chains of the technology only by unfare situations we learn to change from monotone to extraordinary.
Doy gracias a Dios por tan solo darnos el sosten, por suplirnos, por ser nuestro Jehova Jireh. A aprender de las situaciones dificiles nos hacen fuertes, de esas situaciones pueden salir soluciones a nuestros problemas, hasta poder unir mas a la familia. Hoy en dia se esta enfriando corazones, la tradiccion desaparece bajos las cadenas technologicas solamente de las situaciones injustas se aprende solamente para cambiar de lo monótono a lo extraordinario.
Once my dad likes to be a artist, he is right now but on his own rhytim. He leaves is dream to fullfill mine and 19 years later he made it, but he came to a dificult life of start over over a unfare world. When I almost finishing my senior year he was fired of his hard work, today he still looking to still fullfilling our dream, but is unfare than the people came acting like babies for no giving job to the people who really want to work just because they just feeling menaced by them whrn they interview them, or under estimate my mom or I was left behind because of my religious views.
I gives thanks to God to sustain us, to provide us, just to be the Lord Will Provide. When you learn from hard situations you can become stronger, make solutions or stay more time together sharing with your family. Today hearts are frozen, the tradition disappears by the chains of the technology only by unfare situations we learn to change from monotone to extraordinary.
jueves, 6 de enero de 2011
Three kings
Fue una experiencia mixta, de emociones amargadas a unas nuevas cuando debo hacer lo que el cuerpo demanda y no dejarme llevar por mis pensamientos.
Dimos la vuelta por loiza y san juan vimos un performance, acompañado de pizza, un mantecado de coldstone para despues estar escribiendo en este blog. Tan solo los dejo con la foto del performance y creo que otras mas en facebook.
Si en el futuro fuera asi que asi sea, pero dentro de todo habra tiempo para cumplir con todos, poder disfrutar y ser yo Sin Problemas....
Dimos la vuelta por loiza y san juan vimos un performance, acompañado de pizza, un mantecado de coldstone para despues estar escribiendo en este blog. Tan solo los dejo con la foto del performance y creo que otras mas en facebook.
Si en el futuro fuera asi que asi sea, pero dentro de todo habra tiempo para cumplir con todos, poder disfrutar y ser yo Sin Problemas....
domingo, 2 de enero de 2011
Estas navidades han sido relajantes en un aspecto por que en pude descansar. En verdad han sido unas navidades raras por que estuve en mi hogar
Paso una series de acotecimiento en las que fueron mas de compartir con mi familia, en poder saborear nuevas cosas, el accidente de mi mama y la probabilidad de prepararme para lo que viene.
Despues del descanso, la batalla continua.
Paso una series de acotecimiento en las que fueron mas de compartir con mi familia, en poder saborear nuevas cosas, el accidente de mi mama y la probabilidad de prepararme para lo que viene.
Despues del descanso, la batalla continua.
sábado, 1 de enero de 2011
Words of a artist
Write my own words
frustrations, aseverations.
A world of words
asimilation what else.
Letters and phrases collide
Expressions and feelings alike.
Inside contrast with outside
on one body and heart.
You can form a lot with this
You can create a million of verses with this.
There's no limit even a obstacle
to live in this like this.
No limit.
No rules to reveal your mind
No scolding, no taunting
No laughing even no critique
Thats it.
I can do a lot, thinking, writing...
and copy paste it or write it directly
Add text, then comment.
Then keywords and later summit.
There you my words.
I can do it you can too
Why you go ahead and read?
Is better for me?
frustrations, aseverations.
A world of words
asimilation what else.
Letters and phrases collide
Expressions and feelings alike.
Inside contrast with outside
on one body and heart.
You can form a lot with this
You can create a million of verses with this.
There's no limit even a obstacle
to live in this like this.
No limit.
No rules to reveal your mind
No scolding, no taunting
No laughing even no critique
Thats it.
I can do a lot, thinking, writing...
and copy paste it or write it directly
Add text, then comment.
Then keywords and later summit.
There you my words.
I can do it you can too
Why you go ahead and read?
Is better for me?
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